Sunday, May 3, 2009

Loose Your Weight in Less Than 7 Days!

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Home > Categories > Health > Diet & Lifestyle > Losing Weight > Diet Programs
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Lose Weight in Less Than 7 Days

Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. [1]
Losing weight is tricky. For most people it takes time. However, this short bit of writing will tell you how to lose a small amount of weight in an easy and healthy way in less than 7 days.

not proven by FCCA

Eat plenty of vegetables with each meal.
Drink plenty of water
Before buying any food, look for carbs,calories and sugar in the ingredients. You'll want to cut down on all three.
Eat high fiber foods; they fill you up.
Don't just stop eating; you might lose weight quicker, but it takes a long time to recover and you will just gain all the weight back eventually.
Excercise at least 1 hour a day

If you don't change your eating and exercise habits permanently, you will simply gain it all back.
Do not starve yourself! It can hurt you. It's even worse than being overweight. It may even cause you to gain more weight.

[edit]Related wikiHows
How to Lose 25 Pounds in Two Months
How to Lose Weight and Eat Healthier
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[edit]Sources and Citations
↑ Obesity Statistics from
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"25 Pounds in 2 Weeks"
Easy Way to Lose Weight Fast. As Seen on CNN - Try it Here!
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Categories:Diet Programs
Floyd Mills, Lauren Lewis, Ross Presser, Alan J, Anonymous, Ben Rubenstein, Nathan Wong, Chelsea, Versageek, Dave Crosby, Kris, Flickety, Master Tyler, Jen, Krystle, Maluniu, V Rod, Maniac, Paul D, Sondra C, Viral, Zack, Zoe Volt, Eric Wester, MA, Dvortygirl, Tricksturr2, Glutted, Ttfan147, GrapeJelly, BR, Nicole Willson, Meta Knight, Lillian May, Luv_sarahand others
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