Monday, May 4, 2009

Loose Your Weight in Less Than 7 Days! I will show you how?

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Lose Weight In Just 7 Days? I'll Show You How
By Syed Abedin

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First of all, I want to make one thing straight. I am not about to tell you that you can magically wave a wand and your fat will disappear forever, but I will tell you that you can start losing weight in just 7 days. Here's how.

No matter what anyone says about fad diets, I believe there is no way you can lose weight without exercise. So this is what I did.

I ran. I ran; cross country runs, endurance runs, long jogs etc. Physically exertion causes your body to sweat and just think about it this way, the more you sweat the more you burn. Why? Sweat is produced from the body when the body is exerted and is used as a natural cooling mechanism. It is proven that your body will only start burning calories and fat after 30 minutes of exercising. This is why long distance running is superb, because it gives your body time to burn calories, carbohydrates and fat. Long distant running not only helps you lose weight, but strengthens your legs and tones your leg muscles. This is because the muscles have to endure a long period of time of running so they must strengthen for them to cope with that king of intense activity. This is why it is important not to stop the level of training you are currently working at, so you don't develop any muscle wastage.

To lose weight, you must have a proper diet. Take full note of this point, YOU CAN EAT TREATS IN MODERATION. Basically, you don't have to - in fact you shouldn't cut out your cream cakes and chocolate eclairs. Reason for this being, these foods contain a lot of carbohydrates and fats so when you run, you will get immediate and reserve energy. However, if you feel once you've eaten one cake you will want 10, don't worry. I have got a healthy substitute - A banana. A banana releases energy bit by bit so you will have an "unlimited" supply of energy while running.

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT YOU DON'T STOP EATING ALTOGETHER. You must eat so you can fuel your body with energy to exercise. If you don't eat, your muscles will waste away because they are not being "fed".

You are bound to feel lighter on your feet, healthier, and breathe easier. The average BPM (Heartbeats per minute) is around 70. My BPM was 65 last summer and this year it is 42. The lower your BPM the better, so that your heart won't have to cope with as much pressure to pump blood around the body.

If you smoke, it would be best to quit altogether, but if you don't want to quit cold turkey then limit yourself to one every 2-3 days. The reason you shouldn't smoke is that the tar clogs up your arteries and will defeat the whole purpose of losing weight in the first place (also you could suffer lung cancer, heart failure etc.).

Did you know that 1/3 of Britons are obese and that they are 3 times likely to suffer from heart diseases than a healthy person. People who are overweight are twice as likely to suffer from heart disease.

This is why exercise is so important and that you stay fit and healthy. Please take all my tips into consideration and make sure you are not those 1/3 of Britons.

Thank you for reading my article

Hi there,

My name is Syed Abedin and I am currently a Mortgage Advisor. I own a credit card comparison website called Credit Cards UK. My site will search the market for credit cards with the best rates to suit your needs. All you need to do is to go to and sign up for the credit card(s) the suits you best for FREE.

Please signup to the British Heart Foundation Card so that you can help find a cure to heart diseases.

If you have any queries, email me at

Thank You for reading my articles.

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Article Submitted On: May 27, 2007

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MLA Style Citation:
Abedin, Syed "Lose Weight In Just 7 Days? I'll Show You How." Lose Weight In Just 7 Days? I'll Show You How. 27 May. 2007. 4 May 2009 .
APA Style Citation:
Abedin, S. (2007, May 27). Lose Weight In Just 7 Days? I'll Show You How. Retrieved May 4, 2009, from
Chicago Style Citation:
Abedin, Syed "Lose Weight In Just 7 Days? I'll Show You How." Lose Weight In Just 7 Days? I'll Show You How
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