Sunday, March 7, 2010

Education for all in India

Please visit 1 Million+ School Report Cards launched recently by Unioin Human Resource Development Minister, Government of India. For district-specific education data, log on to District Report Cards in case of 633 districts across 35 States & UTs on hundred of variables is available. Keep watching for the latest information. Please downlaod Analytical Report and DISE Flash Statistics on Elementary Education in India from this site. For district-specific education data, log on to http:/ District Report Cards in case of more than 633 districts across 35 States & UTs on hundred of variables is available. Keep watching for latest information. Please downlaod Analytical Report and DISE Flash Statistics on Elementary Education in India from this site. Keep watching for latest information on school education in India and Right to Education Act and lot more.
EFA in India
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Sunday, March 07, 2010
The World of Education : At Your Service Since 1999

1 Million+ School Report Cards
( 1.29 million schools across 633 districts)


I am a doctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge. I have found your books on 'Education for All in India', and your website extremely helpful and innovative.

Thank you for making available so much valuable data and excellent analysis. I am a regular user and wish to congratulate those involved in contributing to and maintaining this website.

Rosie Vaughan Vimala Ramachandran

Free and compulsory education to all children up to the age fourteen is constitutional commitment in India. The Parliament of India has recently passed Right to Education Act through which education has become fundamental right of all children of age group 6-14 year.

The site - Education for All (EFA) in India presents up-to-date information regarding activities initiated in the field of elementary education in India. It presents National Policy on Education (1986,NPE) & its Programme of Action (POA, 1994) as well as goals and objectives of Education for All in India. A separate section is devoted on to District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) in terms of its framework, planning methodology adopted in developing District Primary Education Plans.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), launched in 2001is the most recent initiatives of the Government of India, which presents its guidelines, planning methodology, data on elementary education created under District Information System for Education (DISE), list of districts covered, addresses of state implementation societies and outcome of the research studies conducted on school attendance, teachers absenteeism, out-of-school children, mid-day meal and many other aspects of elementary education in India.

The site has got separate channel for Educational Management Information System (EMIS) and presents school, district and state report cards as well as elementary education in rural and urban India and DISE Flash Statistics and analysis of data in the form of Elementary Education in India: Progress towards UEE, Analytical Report for 2006-07 and previous years. In addition, district-specific information on key variables concerning all the aspects of universal elementary education (UEE) is also presented. The site presents recent activities towards Rastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) which is the most recent initiative of Government of India to achieve the goal of universalisation of secondary education (USE).

It has got separate channel for educational statistics and presents Selected Educational Statistics brought out by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) for different years. In addition, the site also presents state and district-wise population (male, female & total, sex ratio, child sex ratio (o-6 year), density of population, population by religions, workers and non-workers and other such variables) and literacy rates (male, female & total, rural and urban areas and scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) based on 2001 Census.

It also presents book reviews, educational links, UNESCO-UIS software for educational planners and many important documents such as common school system, modules on district educational planning and projections and forecasting of population, enrolment and teachers all which are important for those interested in educational planning and administration. It has got a separate channel on educational planning covering training at district (DIET), block, cluster and national level.

Model Rules for Right to Children Act (Draft)
DISE Flash Statistics: 2008-09
DISE Analytical Tables: 2007-08
DISE Analytical Report: 2007-08
Brief Analysis of DISE Flash Statistics: 2008-09
State Report Cards: 2007-08
Improvement in Infrastructure in Elementary /Schools
Participation of Muslim Children in Elementary Education: 2008-09
Study on Out-of-School-Children (IMRB/Ed.CIL/TSG): 2009
Evaluation of Activity Based Learning of Tamil Nadu
DISE 2007-08: District-specific Data on All Indicators
Universities in the Twenty-First Century
State Report Cards: 2007-08, Raw Data
District Report Cards: 2007-08, Volume I & II
10th Joint Review Mission Report (July 20 to 31, 2009)
Elementary Education in Rural India 2007-08
Elementary Education in Urban India 2007-08
DISE Flash Statistics: 2007-08
Analytical Report: 2006-07
District Report Cards: 2006-07 (Volume I)
District Report Cards: 2006-07 (Volume II)
Elementary Education in Rural India 2006-07
Elementary Education in Urban India 2006-07
President of India on Elementary Education
A View Inside Primary Schools
Special-Focus Districts
Muslim concentrated Towns
Districts having above 50 percent Out-of-school children
Review of SSA
Out of School Children
Mid-day Meal: Noon-Meal Scheme
DISE Flash Statistics & EDI: 2006-07
Latest Additional School Statistics: 2006-07
Scheme of Incentive to Girls for Secondary Education in India
Selected Educational Statistics: 2005-06
State Report Cards: 2005-06
Study on School Attendance
Analytical Report: 2005-06
Education in Parliament
Achievement Surveys under SSA
District Report Cards: 2005-06 (Volume I)
District Report Cards: 2005-06 (Volume II)
Student Flow at Primary Level
Elementary Education in Rural & Urban India: 2005-06
Report of Common School System
11th Five Year Plan: Elementary Education & SSA
DISE Flash Statistics & EDI
Presentation on EDI
Suggestive Framework for EDI Computation
Elementary Education in India: Analytical Report 2004-05
Elementary Education in India: Analytical Report 2005 (Only Tables)
Selected Educational Statistics: 2004-05
State Report Cards 2005
Elementary Education in Rural India 2004-05
Elementary Education in Urban India 2004-05
District Report Cards 2004-05 (Volume I)
District Report Cards 2004-05 (Volume II)
Drop-out Rates based on DISE 2003-4 & 2004-05 Data
Elementary Education in India: Analytical Report 2003-04
Major Findings of Analytical Report 2003-04
Elementary Education in Un-recognised Schools in India: A Case Study of Punjab
Universalisation of Secondary Education: CABE Committee Report
Right to Education Bill 2005
Elementary Education in India: State Report Cards 2003-04
Elementary Education in India: District Report Cards 2003-04
Elementary Education in India: District Report Cards 2002-03
Elementary Education in India: Where do we stand? Analytical Report 2002-03
Final District-specific Population & Literacy Data (Zip)
District Report Cards 2003, Raw Data (Zip)
Projected Population (5-18 Year) by RGI up to 2016
Age-specific Population: 6-11, 11-14 & 6-14 Year Population
Modules for Quantitative Analysis of Educational Data
Down Load: Software for Education Planning & Management

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