Monday, February 8, 2010

A Proud American Marine

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Patriot Award
God Is With Us

Great Day For Freedom
Let Freedom Ring!

April 9th 2003
January 30th 2005

Patriot Award
God Is With Us

Statue falls in Baghdad.


A Proud America
Let's finish the job and bring them home!


As I watched with tears in my eyes, I can only partially understand how those who have lived with terror in their hearts feel when freedom rings for them. I have never been so proud to be a Marine as this day. Our country has risked life and limb for others in the hopes of letting them live life as free people, as we have and do. God bless those who have lost their lives in this war and may they know their lives were not given in vain. Freedom has won again! .....~Semper Fi~

Operation Helmet - Over 8,000 Upgrades Sent

"Never Forget Support Our Troops"
Things needing to be said!

"Reference information below"

Our troops deserve better!

Depleted Uranium used in 1st Gulf War could be causing medical problems for our guys at home today and the ones coming home now. Please look into this with all who are involved, wife's, kid's and all family members.

Junk yards over there is where this old metal is found. Radiation from this can cause birth defects, sterilization and leukemia just to name a few items of interests.

Most not having up armored vehicles decided to do something about this and go to junk yards and other areas to get heavy duty armor, most of which can probable be traced right back to some of this which has been contaminated.

This is something we need to check farther into for our family and friends in the military now and from the past few wars where DU has been used.

All military personnel should be looked at for any condition which could be related to any illnesses which can be related to these materials in any way shape or form. This stuff can be passed to spouses and children also, so have all members evaluated if anything is found in relation to the DU

America Supports You

Stand Tall

God Bless America

Be Proud

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Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund

Bin Laden
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Patriot Award & God Is With Us

The Wise And All Knowing Mystical Oracle
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